Singapura Breeders
By Diana Fineran
Copyright June 8, 2000

Photos Courtesy of
Colleen Freymuth
Click on to Enlarge |

Q: What is the history of the Singapura?
A: As their name suggests the Singapura is a natural breed ,created by Mother
Nature, from the gene pool native to the Malaysian, 225 square mile, island of
Singapore. This is one of the smallest of all the pedigree breeds.
"Singapura" is the Malaysian name for Singapore. Hal and Tommy Meadow
are credited with recognizing the striking beauty of this breed. At one time
they were known as "local Singapore "drain cats", because it is
said they took shelter in the city drains during the dry season, and the
"Singapore River Cat", because they supposedly originated on the banks
of the river system there. While living in Singapore in 1974 the Meadow's began
breeding what has come to be known as the Singapura and imported them to the
U.S. in 1975. What makes the Singapura distinctive is its small size and
coloring. There is not another breed like them. They are typical of the city,
but are not the most common street cat in Singapore. In 1965 a TICA Judge saw
them in their native land, as well as several other people living or visiting
the island. It is the general view that a cat of this type has been present in
Singapore for at least 300 years and is a well established, ancient breed.
The story of their discovery and eventual status as a recognized breed is
fascinating. Tommy Meadow had been in the U.S. cat fancy for 20 years by then,
having been a breeder of Burmese, Siamese and Abyssinians. Then in 1970 she met
and married Hal Meadow, a geophysicist whose work for an oil company repeatedly
took him to the Far East, including Singapore. While there in 1971, doing
confidential marine surveys for an oil company out of a port called Loyang in
the north east part of the island, Hal noticed three "ships cats" on
one of the marine survey vessels with ticked coats, like the Abyssinian, yet
with a more silvery coloration. Recognizing them as being unusual, he had three
of them shipped back to Houston, Texas on one of the work boats. About six
months later, he obtained a fourth cat of this type from a local sailor in the
harbor at Loyang, which was shipped back to his wife in the U.S. Therefore a
total of four Singapura, a male and three females, were kept pure and bred
through two generations in the U.S.
It was in 1974 when Hal and Tommy traveled back to Singapore together,
intending to stay there for ten years. They were accompanied by a few of her
cats, including three grandchildren of the unnamed original four. The three,
owned by the Meadow's, from whom the breed sprung. were, Puss'e, a young female,
Ticle, a male, and Tessa, his female littermate. The Meadow's began breeding the
Singapura in Singapore.
The first litter born of a deliberate breeding program had Ticle as their
sire and Pusse as their dam. The male and two female kittens were all brown
ticked on an old ivory base, with no white and no kinked tails. They were
promptly named George and Gladys. The fall of Saigon triggered the exodus of the
Meadow's and their brood of Singapura cats: Ticle, his sister, Tes, Pusse, and
the kittens George and Gladys. Thus five Singapura cats and Fat Cat, their
altered, Sable Burmese, entered the U.S. on July 1, 1975 at Honolulu, Hawaii.
They went about the business of establishing this breed and gaining official
recognition for it late in 1975.
Through a search by vacationing, Brad , a Flying Tiger Caption, and Sheila
Bowers, a female was found, meeting the Breed Standard (except for the tail),
straight from the drains of Singapore in the SPCA there. It took some convincing
before the SPCA Veterinarian, Dr. Lee, would release the female as a whole cat,
since she was leaving the country. They did also see cats described as
Singapuras at night in the bushes and along the drains. None were captured,
however. They imported this important female to Barbara Gilbertson, then of
Tacoma, WA. on April 22, 1980. Her name was Chiko, who is behind many Singapura
pedigrees today. More importantly she came with full documentation proving that
the Singapura cats exist in Singapore.
Barbara Gilbertson became the first breeder, other than the Meadow's, to own
and breed a pair of Singapura. Their names were, 'Rummy" the female, and
"Thumper' the male.
In 1987 Gerry Mayes, a retired engineer and early Singapura breeder went to
Singapore for three months to find and import more Singapura cats to the U.S.
With the help of the Singapura Cat Club there he was successful in bringing back
several Singapuras.
After 90 kittens had been produced in the U.S. from these original Singapura
cats, some range in the intensity of ticking and in the intensity of the old
ivory ground color occurred, but with a few exceptions all were brown ticked on
old ivory. The only other anomaly in color was the appearance of solid brown
kittens. Through test breedings cats carrying the solid colored gene were
singled out and altered. The reigning decision among Singapura breeders was that
only the ticked kittens would be carried on. A note was made of each litter that
had a solid brown kitten in it in order, which was not registered, to make a
Type had to be fixed as well. Ticle, the original male grew to be a large,
very dark ticked cat, with heavy leg barring, with a much longer than average
head. This head type was passed on to his kittens. Yet, he was the best to be
found with no white and no kink in his tail. Later his sons and grandsons took
over his duties to set the type of the breed. In 1988 the numbers of Singapura
in the U.S. was estimated around 500. By the mid-90's there were about 2,000. A
pregnant female, Faye Raye, was the first Singapura imported to England on July
25, 1988. A few weeks later, while still in quarantine she gave birth. Interest
grew in the 1990's and by 1995 there were about 30 Singapura in Great Britain.
Only one coloration and pattern is allowed in the small to medium Singapura
cat. This is a ticked (agouti) coat similar to that found in the Abyssinian,
squirrels, gophers and rabbits. Ticking refers to the different colored bands on
each hair shaft, which is dark brown ticking on an old ivory ground color with
the underside the color of unbleached muslin.
The Singapura develops slowly, coming in season for the first time usually at
15 to 18 months. Males take at least until the age of 1 1/2 years to get
interested in breeding. A usual litter is from 2 to 3 kittens with 4 kittens
born occasionally. Around 5 weeks of age is when kittens start coming out of
their box, even if there is a low door. At a year old, a Singapura female is
about the size of an American Shorthair 5-6 month old kitten. Some are smaller.
There is some irony in this breeds history. It clearly did come from the
drains or culverts in Singapore. The government there went about a vigorous
"clean Up" project to eliminate stray cats and their habitats, then
turned around and declared the Singapura to be a "Living National
Monument'! The Singapore 'Tourist and Promotion Board in 1991 placed statues of
the Singapura along the river and began featuring the Singapura in all types of
promotional material. The breed was given the breed name of "Kueinta"
for placement on these statues. Even more ironic is the fact that the cats used
as models for the statues are owned by a couple residing in Singapore, but their
cats were imported from the U.S.!
Q: What about the health of the Singapura?
A: At first some kittens with laterally flattened rib cages were born. It was
found that a lack of potassium iodide in the diet had kept the kittens from
utilizing calcium even though calcium was heavily supplemented. Since potassium
iodide is readily available in ocean fish, by feeding canned tuna the deformity
was eliminated. No other congenital deformities, such as cleft palates or spina
bifida have been seen.
Q: What about the personality of the Singapura?
A: They have a delightful, aggressively affectionate disposition with a
tendency to be shy. Consumed by a gigantic curiosity, they quickly over come the
shyness. The word "stranger" is not in their vocabulary. They remain
playful as adults. They are such excellent mothers they would like to go on
nursing the kittens until the next litter is due! With a common sense attitude
they are everywhere where people are, insisting on helping with everything from
cooking, to newspaper reading, and in general getting into the middle or on top
of whatever you are doing. They are "under cover cats" because most
prefer to sleep under the covers of your bed with you. However, most probably
they will remain at the foot of the bed waiting to be asked. Possessing a low
key way of getting exactly what it wants, you give in to their charms quickly.
They like to "wash" people like dogs do, staying tuned in to people's
moods. Some have called them "groupies" since they are social, seldom
squabble and group around people, including visitors. However, they are not
demanding and are always gentle. Even in season they have quiet voices. Most
interesting is the stud males, who prefer living together with other Singapura
studs. There is no fighting.
Currently the breed is as approximately 10 to 12 generations from the
original three cats from 1975 (two were littermates) and one more cat from 1980.
There are murmurings among its supporters that more imported blood is needed to
keep the breed viable and strong. TCA, Inc. intends to prudently assist in this
regard, both with our Registry and with importations.
By Diana Fineran
Copyright June 8, 2000